Friday, July 23, 2010

Why are we here?

Maybe a bit existential for a start. Perhaps we should try the Descartes route - "Cogito, ergo sum", but I'm probably more in tune with "I think I am, therefore I am - I think!" The link (try clicking on the title of this post) appeals to my sense of humour, anyway, which if you don't already know me should warn you what's to follow (or warn you off what's to follow, perhaps.)

Why we are in this particular place, however (or why I am, at least - your reasons I wouldn't dare to guess at) is that having told friends I was actually about to take a holiday for the first time in years, they said I should write a blog to show what I was seeing, and where I was. Since the route to a holiday was occasioned by travelling on business, I extended the topic to what I'm doing in general, hence the divergence from "travels" in the title.

On that basis, having found myself a pulpit, I'll take the opportunity to jot down musings on what I'm seeing and doing, and observations on what I hear around me. It may be regular or fractured, pictures or verbosity, as the mood takes, and if you wish to accompany me on the journey, you're very welcome. If not, the "back" button on your browser may be your easiest saviour. Just to show that I can sometimes be erudite (if irreverent) it makes me think of Whitman:

Stranger, if you passing meet me
and desire to speak to me,
why should you not speak to me?

Probably not quite in the context he intended, but the thought is there - I can speak to you through this - if you wish to reply, feel free to comment. Enough, then of my vacant musings for the time being, I'll leave you to ponder why I'm here (or bothering to waste your time) until I have some thoughts - or pictures - to post.

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to reading further instalments of your travails! Margaret
