Monday, August 2, 2010

What do people talk about?

Just a quick, idle thought (for once, briefly, I have an idle moment(which should probably be spent sleeping!)).

Typically, British people spend an inordinate amount of time speaking about the weather. Given the variation of types of weather there, that has some merit - a bit like the Inuit, who have something like 19 different words for types of snow. The trouble with Dubai is that can get a bit staid:

Nice day again today.
Yes, the sun was out

Any variations on a theme? Perhaps not.

Still, I'm pleased to report it was a nice day, the sun WAS out, temperature was - well, way above blood temperature anyway - and no sign of change in the next lifetime. All good fun, and it keeps us off the streets (apart from mad dogs and Englishmen, of course.)


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